Alternative Assessment PILOT and Demonstration
Enhance and reform the system and keep the local Assessor, or consolidate assessment authority and decision-making in a handful of county appointees?
Mergers and Consolidation
This article explains a recent Rutgers University study which found that most NJ towns actually resist consolidation.
S-1801 Proposed in the 2014 Legislative Season
The Gloucester County Assessing Pilot: A Closer Look
A proposal to eliminate municipal tax assessors in favor of county-based assessors' offices raises more questions than answers.
Killing the Messenger
Carol C. Byrne, 2010
Letter to the Governor regarding S533
AMANJ's position regarding S-533 the “Common Sense Shared Services Pilot Program Act” and the Potential Exclusion of Tax Assessors
The New Jersey Tax Assessor
An outline regarding:
- Obligations and Responsibilities within the current structure
- Evaluating the current structure
- Benefits vs. Risks to changing the current structure
By Scott J. Holzhauer, CTA, SCGREA
Presented to LUARCC on July 21, 2010
Revised November 15, 2013 for the LOM Convention